Jean Jacques Herbulot
Jacques HERBULOT was born in Belval (Ardennes - France), on March 29th 1909. He qualified as an Architect (D.P.L.G., i.e. recognized by the French Government), but diverted to design of sail boats and has a record of about a hundred of them, from the Vaurien (4,08m.), to the Beaufort (20m.). Among his most popular creations are: Caravelle, Corsaire, Cotre des Glenans, Maraudeur, and Vaurien. He is the naval architect who permitted the democratization of sailing in France and in other European countries, by designing (as soon as 1950) sea-proof plywood built crafts, easy to handle, cost accessible to many and practical for sailing schools. But Jean Jacques HERBULOT also has a wonderful record as skipper: he represented France in four Olympic Games, Los Angeles (1932, Star Class), Kiel (1936, Star Class), Torquay (1948, Firefly Class), Melbourne (1956, 5,50 JI Class). Jean Jacques HERBULOT was also a pioneer in developing diagonal cut spinnakers in the fifties: most international and Olympic Classes adopted this innovation, utilized also by the British 12m.JI for the America Cup in 1957. |
VAURIEN is a monotype designed in
1951 by Jean-Jacques HERBULOT. |
Since 1951 more than 36,000
Vauriens have been built and are built at an average of about a hundred per
annum. Modern features have been adopted regularly: spinnaker, metal mast
and booms, liberal choice of fittings, etc. The form of the hull has not
been modified but its construction has evolved: since 1978 G.R.P. building
was accepted integrating buoyancy compartments, and in 1983 "Amateur
building" building was designed by Jean Jacques Herbulot. After the coming
of plastic, the buoyancy compartments, aluminium masts, the spinnaker, and a
liberalization of fittings have been authorized. From now on "Amateur
building" integrates all these evolutions. |